In response to the recognised industry need to “get away from grouting”, Napkin Innovation is developing the non-grouted connector (NGC).
Designed as a quicker, cheaper and cleaner alternative to traditional grouted jacket-pile connections the NGC is pre-installed on the jacket and by offering an almost instant lock eliminates the need to wait 36-48hrs for grout to cure, the cost of a grout spread, the risk of early age cycling and the need for temporary clamping.
In addition, the NGC, will facilitate the installation of increasingly heavy jackets by a greater range of vessels and at a time when installation vessels are in short supply.

Working in collaboration with Kent plc and the Advanced Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Strathclyde, and with support from funding sources across Scotland, the UK, and the EU, the NGC is concluding small-scale testing at Strathclyde University.
To learn more about our next steps and explore opportunities to get involved in this groundbreaking project, click here.